Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good Times!!

Ooops, I left the car out last night! This is what it looked like after Craig shoveled it off, I thought we were gonna have to miss church...
Doesn't this guy (Cameron) remind you of Dustin? They are about the same age and have very similar personalities too. He is the sweetest kid, loves Kenedi to death! Even though she scowls at him constantly, he never gives up.
We had some families from the ward over to make gingerbread houses. The kids had so much fun, although it was kind of messy!
Yes, this is in our front yard. Its pretty cool unless you need to go somewhere fast.
Kenedi doesn't like the cold too much....or her mittens.
The dogs love the snow, we are thinking about making them sledding dogs...any suggestions?
The kids ready to go play in the snow for the first time this year!! Don't they look happy?
We can't keep Figero out of our Christmas tree! He is obsessed with trying to get the ornaments down, its a good thing we got the shatterproof Costco sweet ornaments huh?

This year we went to Texas for Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun. My only complaint is that I had to work for 3 solid days!! But it was still a really good trip. There were 33 people over for the dinner so it was loud and crazy which makes it more fun right? We saw more movies in that one week than I have seen the whole past year! I saw Madagascar 2 (which of course was on my must see list), Twilight!! (which I loved & want to see again), and Australia (which was long, but overall pretty good...and Hugh Jackman is pretty hot...huh?). We ate lots of good food thanks to Mom & Aunt Susan and just had an overall great time!!

They had to rake leaves before they could build their bonfire so that they didn't catch the whole yard on fire! Of course even leaf raking is fun with Grandpa running the show.
Chance at one with nature. Too bad he missed the grass.
Grandpa's specialty, homemade rootbeer. The kiddos go nuts over it.
These two were inseparable. It was so cute for Chance to finally have a BOY to play with!! Maybe now he won't play with dolls so much...hmmmm.
Check out these wheels...the guys were driving the girls around. It was so cute, although they didn't quite understand that they weren't bumper cars.
No, your eyes are not deceiving you, I am on Ozzy. Only for a few minutes though. We tried to get a family pic but the animals were not cooperating...the four legged ones that is.
Part of the Thanksgiving gang, the coolest part :)
My little cowboy!
So much fun!
Best buds, hanging out in the tent in grandpa's room. Watching movies, how cute is this?? They even slept in it at night :)

I thought it was awfully quiet...
Our sweet 5 Star Hotel In Colorado Springs...on Pfizer of course :)


Brad and Laurie said...

Do you remember the first snowman we made when you were about Kenedi's age in Happy Canyon? It's one of my favorite early family pictures.
I see Kenedi is still the queen of scowl
When are you coming back here?
Thank you for updating your blog!

Julie said...

With all of her snow gear on, Kenedi looks like Ralphie on "A Christmas Story!" That's really cute that your dad and Chance had sleepovers in the tent. What a fun memory!
We had fun seeing you guys at Thanksgiving. When will we get to see you next?!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

FINALLY. I check daily for updates; it was like an early Xmas present to see new pictures. K the top pic: could she look any more like Craig??? She looks so CUTE! I can't wait to see you guys. Drive fast.

Castaneda 5 said...

Lucky!!! I better not show my kids those snow pics. They would be so jealous!

Anonymous said...

Kenedi's face is priceless in that top picture. They are both too cute. It looks like you guys are doing well, and had a great Thanksgiving.

Chelsea said...

Very cute pictures! looks like you guys are so happy! Those kiddos are too adorable!

Laura said...

Your kids are so cute all bundled up! I got Craig's note, I had forgotten that you guys were in Texas for a while. We had an opportunity to move to Colorado recently but I just knew the cold would kill me. Good for you for being so brave:)Keep warm and have a great Christmas!!

Jalei & Lane said...

How fun to have snow! I love Kenedi's expressions in all the pictures!

Brad and Laurie said...

Too funny! I just noticed that you changed it from the Coolest Copples to the Cold Copples. haha

Amber Larsen said...

that picture on top of Kenedi is so funny!!! She is so cute! And of Chance peeing; that's priceless. It's about time you updated this thing. The gingerbread making looks like fun!! And holy snow.

Monson Family said...

The snow looks awesome, and I love how Kenedi loks so unhappy in her snowsuit - she must be a lot like Arie. I loev the pic of Chance peeing too!!! That is AWESOME!

Laura said...

Hey there. This is the only way I have to get a hold of you, I just heard about Craig's uncle Dennis & I just wanted to say that our prayers are with your whole family. Hang in there, we love you guys!

Brad and Laurie said...

An update any time would be nice...
I have been missing Kenedi--she needs her grandpa. Tell Chance now that I have my OWN blankie, he can come and I won't steal his!

Allie said...

Hey there! Thanks for checking on Braden, you are so cute. The last two days have been a lot of progress. The first few after the surgery, he was in pain and didn't want to move at all. He probably watched 30 movies. He was drugged on pain killers though, so he didn't care if he watched the same thing over and over again! Now he is just on Motrin and is really moving around again. He is still really cautious in his movements, but at least he is up and about. It is so not fun to have your little one have surgery. I have felt so bad for him. I am just glad it is over!

How are the Copples? How are you liking all that snow? I am really bummed we didn't get to see yall over Thanksgiving. From what I hear, yall all had a blast, and we really missed out. When are yall coming next? We miss ya! love, allie

eyre blog said...

oh man this is a great update. We wish we were there for thanksgiving